Join the Space Guard by AJ Marks The cold wind lashed at the window causing Brian to shiver. He reached over turning up the heat in the one room outpost. ‘Come see the universe, join the Space Guard,’ the poster had said that day he joined. More like come freeze your butt off in some […]
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Posts tagged with 'Invasion'
The Cimalian Princess: Rebellion – Part 27
The Cimalian Princess: Rebellion by AJ Marks Part 27 Jack watched the indicators of all planets closely for any problems. So far nothing new had happened as Chad brought up the news conference which Amy Barnes was holding. He noticed she stood straight and patient despite the reports all around her. Jack noticed Sally off […]
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The Cimalian Princess: Rebellion – Part 25
The Cimalian Princess: Rebellion by AJ Marks Part 25 Dave made his way to the meeting point as Greg instructed. He wondered if the mysterious contact would even be there this time. He made his way on over and leaned up against the wall in a dark area looking around to make sure no one […]
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The Cimalian Princess: Rebellion – Part 23
The Cimalian Princess: Rebellion by AJ Marks Part 23 Greg looked at Terry for several seconds after his statement. They both knew it to be the truth. The alphas hadn’t done anything to improve things despite what they might say. “Many don’t want to do anything because they are comfortable with their lives, or holding […]
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The Cimalian Princess: Rebellion – Part 14
The Cimalian Princess: Rebellion by AJ Marks Part 14 Greg waited for an answer to his question. “Maybe I do, why do you want to know?” the man replied back sounding cautious. “I’ve run across some interesting information about her recently, she is the one of the 3rd CF?” Greg asked seeing a slight nod […]
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The Cimalian Princess: Rebellion – Part 13
The Cimalian Princess: Rebellion by AJ Marks Part 13 Meia glanced across the table over to where Randy said. She knew he had other duties other than making sure she was all right. However the fact he was sitting here felt a bit reassuring to her. She still felt a bit raw after everything she […]
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The Cimalian Princess: Rebellion – Part 4
The Cimalian Princess: Rebellion by AJ Marks Part 4 “Bomber?” Randy asked. “Yeah, there was a rumor going around before the invasion that designers had finished with a bomber design to compliment the fighters. It would carry heavy weapons, never heard what they were, only that the bombers wouldn’t be able to be housed in […]
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The Cimalian Princess: Intro
The Cimalian Princess: Invasion by AJ Marks Introduction “Begin jamming the target’s communications,” Admiral Jezic ordered. Crewmembers of the Kitakim quickly worked to carry out his order. He watched knowing that in a few seconds his enemy would have no way to communicate with the outside universe. “Jamming successful admiral,” Captain Diern replied. “First squadron […]
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The Cimalian Princess: Invasion – Conclusion
The Cimalian Princess: Invasion by AJ Marks Conclusion Meia sat down at the restaurant next to Randy. A lot had happened in the past couple of days since the defeat of the Cimalian fleet. The Alliance had sent a patrol ship to Cimalius but found it abandoned. That hadn’t surprised Meia at all considering the […]
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The Cimalian Princess: Invasion – Ch 24
The Cimalian Princess: Invasion by AJ Marks Chapter 24 Jack stood in the middle of the command center. The press conference had gone even better than he’d hoped. Many in the press at first had been skeptical, then when the governor of Hesslius came on in support the press really started asking more serious questions […]
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