The Cimalian Princess: Invasion – Conclusion

The Cimalian Princess: Invasion

by AJ Marks


Meia sat down at the restaurant next to Randy. A lot had happened in the past couple of days since the defeat of the Cimalian fleet.

The Alliance had sent a patrol ship to Cimalius but found it abandoned. That hadn’t surprised Meia at all considering the nature of the Cimalian leadership. The landing parties found nothing of any use that might help them figure out where they had gone. The President had ordered a team to Cimalius to see if they could find out.

“How are you handling everything,” Mary asked.

“As well as can be expected,” Meia replied. “It’s still a lot to get used to.”

“How is the government doing,” Randy asked.

“The President has ordered new elections and an investigation of the Constrict party,” Amy said from her side of the table. “Father is working hard to create a new party, I think he’s going to call it Independent, after how I act.”

“The truth is finally getting out and the people are furious,” Jack said.

Meia understood that. The people had been lied to by the group they had entrusted to protect them.

“On the plus side the military has received a bonus and money to construct a new class of battle-cruisers,” Jack said continuing.

“The threat of the Cimalians isn’t over,” Meia said. “As long as the leaders remain the Cimalians will remain a threat.”

“We have scouts ships working and looking at nearby systems closely and investigating any ship that mysteriously disappears,” Randy said.

“We still have one important weapon,” Meia said to the group. “Me, I am the highest ranking official of the Cimalian government.”

“The government system never made any sense to me,” Amy said.

“Like a monarchy, oldest child is rightful ruler,” Meia said. “The family tries to remain small to keep power consolidated in a small group of people. Usually one or two sons or daughters. Usually the younger siblings don’t have families…”

Meia stopped at that thought. Now everything made sense. That was why she had been kept alive.

“What’s wrong?” Randy asked.

“They’ll be back, after me,” Meia said. “Only I can reproduce a new heir, of course it makes sense now!”

“I don’t follow,” Jack said confused.

“About two hundred years ago the younger son of the Emperor Charles II, Wylan killed his older brother, Eric for the throne. When Tylin, Eric’s daughter overthrew Wylan she made a law that the younger siblings be made unable to produce heirs. Emperor Henry was keeping me alive to produce a heir,” Meia said.

“That means they’ll be after you still,” Randy said.

“Then the fight isn’t over,” Jack said.

“Doesn’t look that way, but next time, we’ll know,” Amy said.

Meia nodded her head with the knowledge that things had just started.

The End

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