We Garrisoned Earth by AJ Marks The Lektia easily conquered Earth, after all humanity barely had any advanced weapons and no fleet upon which to defend themselves. The primitive weapons which humans used were no match for the technology upon which the Lektia brought to the battlefield. Yes, it was agreed that humanity did adapt […]
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Posts tagged with 'story'
Lucky Luck – Part 18
Lucky Luck by AJ Marks Part 18 (End) A Lucky Proposal Gwen made her way through the palace in search for someone in particular. It had been several days since she had temporally taken over and now it seemed that everyone had settled down into a routine. The city seemed back to normal, and in […]
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Luck Lucky – Part 17
Luck Lucky by AJ Marks Part 17: A Lucky Loose End Gwen walked through the palace seeing little things she had not seen last time she had been here. People were working and many seemed to smile. Under her uncle things always seemed tense, as if there was something going on and perhaps there […]
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Luck Lucky – Part 15
Luck Lucky by AJ Marks Part 15: A Lucky Civil War Gwen looked at the sunlight stream into the room. It had taken some time for Zoe to fall asleep. She took the loss of her mother hard. Gwen recalled the loss of her own parents and how hard that had been. Her position […]
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Luck Lucky – Part 14
Luck Lucky by AJ Marks Part 14: A Lucky Kidnapping Part 2 Gwen looked around the city, one she never considered she would be back in. Following Valerie, who was the lead of the group and towards the inn. She noticed the vibe of the town felt was different than when she had last […]
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Lucky Luck – Part 12
Lucky Luck by AJ Marks A lucky Rebellion part 2 Gwen looked around seeing a very different atmosphere around the city that Zeltran said to meet up with the rebellion in Sinthal. The town she could recall from her days in the Realm, a small trading post for the Shadlowlands. Riding in she hoped no […]
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Lucky Luck – Part 11
Lucky Luck by AJ Marks Part 11: A Lucky Rebellion 1 Gwen rode into the town of Setta, after an uneventful ride. They made it early much to Zoe’s pleasure. Gwen dismounted at the stable, helping Zoe down before asking the man how much to stable their horse. After exchanging coins with the man, she […]
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Lucky Luck – Part 10
Lucky Luck by AJ Marks Part 10: A Lucky Town II Gwen and Zeltran had disabled several traps already, working out a large enough path for the escape, in case the kids tried to move in a different direction by accident. Several traps were well hidden, but were easily spotted from above. Louis never considered […]
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Lucky Luck – part 9
Lucky Luck by AJ Marks Part 9: A Lucky Town Gwen guided the horse down the path. A gift from Valerie as a peace offering for what she had said, and for services rendered. Gwen and Zoe reluctantly accepted, and Valerie reassured Zoe that the saddle was normal this time. Zoe had fallen asleep […]
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Lucky Luck – Part 8
Lucky Luck by AJ Marks Part 8: A Lucky Slave? II Gwen led Zoe down the hallway following Valerie and Lori into a larger room with several long tables. Servants were busy bring food into the room and setting it on the side table. “An excellent looking feast as normal,” Valerie said. “Yes, however sadly […]
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