The Sith Empress – Part 3

The Sith Empress By AJ Marks Part 3 Gaia watched as Luke stopped next to her. “Kyle tells me you did a remarkable job out there,” he said to her. She felt unsure what to say next except for a quick thanks.  She felt she had not done much as her style of fighting would […]
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The Sith Empress – Part 1

The Sith Empress by AJ Marks Part 1 Jessica sat in the back of the transport bouncing along as it sped through hyperspace towards a location which had not been given to them. She was among some hundred or so hand-picked storm troopers for a special assignment.  No one knew what the assignment was but […]
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Ephiny and the Battle for the Amazons – Part 5

Ephiny and the Battle for the Amazons by AJ Marks Part 5 Ephiny looked on at everyone before deciding to change the subject away from Amazons and Centaurs. “So, what happens to the Roman prisoners?” she asked Valaska. “Currently the Conqueror’s army is watching over them,” Valaska sad. “They are technically Amazon prisoners that will […]
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Ephiny and the Battle of the Amazons – Part 4

Ephiny and the Battle of the Amazons by AJ Marks Part 4 Ephiny waited for Eponin to tell her what happened, as she figured they had won the battle. “The Romans were already organized for an attack, only waiting for some word to begin. The Conqueror advised us to attack first despite the fact neither […]
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Ephiny and the Battle for the Amazons – Part 3

Ephiny and the Battle for the Amazons by AJ Marks Part 3 Eph heard the comment by Gabrielle and almost couldn’t believe how calm she sounded facing off against Tanis even as Riga stepped forward with an attack. Eph blocked the attack while backing up a bit and managed to see around her.  The elders […]
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Ephiny and the Battle for the Amazons – Part 2

Ephiny and the Battle for the Amazons by AJ Marks Part 2 Ephiny wasn’t sure if she should be insulted or proud to be staying behind after all the flurry of activity earlier in the day. Staying behind meant she would miss the battle yet she was staying behind to guard Princess Gabrielle.  Both Melosa […]
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Ephiny and the Battle for the Amazons – Part 1

Ephiny and Battle for the Amazons by AJ Marks Part 1 Ephiny made her way towards the lake hoping to find Princess Gabrielle there as Melosa asked her to find the princess and bring her back to the Queen’s hut. Eph’s first stop had been Terreis’ hut, which was not Gabrielle’s hut only to find […]
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The Uneasy Alliance is fast approaching its conclusion.  Coming up next will be a short Battlestar Argo prequel, followed by the third, and conclusion, of The Cimalian Princess. Following that I hope to have some new stories ready to go, along with finishing uploading any remaining stories which were here before everything got moved to […]
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The Chu’unthor Incident – Part 9

The Chu’unthor Incident by AJ Marks Part 9 “Something’s wrong,” Bri said pacing around the room. She was feeling something from Xara and she knew that it was not good. She turned to see her former teacher and master but he was sitting patiently waiting for everyone to return. “Patience we must have, this path […]
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The Chu’unthor Incident – Part 8

The Chu’unthor Incident by AJ Marks Part 8 Xara walked down the hallway looking for the Sissisian that had talked with her earlier in the day. Rounding one corner she saw him standing with a couple of others. She watched him wondering if the people he was talking to were part of the kidnappers or […]
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