Hope Renewed by AJ Marks Jonas walked around the ship, his daily routine to keep himself fit. Like everyone on board the ship, they established a routine to help pass the days away. With so many people, they could only do so much unless you worked on the factory ship, or argo ships, the other […]
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Posts tagged with 'Battlestar'
The Return – Part 6
The Return by AJ Marks Part 6 Baltar stood there listening to everything which happened according to Cylon intelligence. He had no idea everything had been going on for the past year, at least not since the Galactica had dropped him off at the planet. Only recently had the Cylons actually rescued him. “So Baltar, […]
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The Return – Part 5
The Return by AJ Marks Part 5 Apollo appeared on the surface of the planet at Boomer’s request along with a few more people. The report had been they discovered some survivors but there seemed to be some problems. He looked around seeing Boomer standing there along with the team, along with a few others. […]
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The Return – Part 4
The Return by AJ Marks Part 4 Adama waited as the ship dropped out of hyperspace at the Lucian alliance. Messages had been sent they were coming but no one knew what type of reception to expect from them. Scanners had indicated already several ships in the area and if a fight started they would […]
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The Return – Part 3
The Return by AJ Marks Part 3 Apollo looked on as the Galactica dropped out of hyperspace. The scanners quickly looking around for any sign of a Cylon basestar. The last thing he wanted was to be caught unaware of the enemy so close. “Scanners clear,” the reply came back. “Engage the cloak,” Apollo said, […]
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The Return – Part 2
The Return by AJ Marks Part 2 Apollo made his way onto the bridge of the Galactica having been called there by Boomer. “We’re about to arrive,” Boomer said to him as he made his way to the center of the bridge. “Good,” Apollo said, knowing stopping here was only a first step in their […]
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The Return – Part 1
The Return by AJ Marks Part 1 Sam made her way through the gate to what was being called Caperica. Her first official duty as the new commander of the SGC. It was amazing how far she had come in ten years and never expected to be in such a position. Stepping though she exited […]
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The Uneasy Alliance – Part 34
The Uneasy Alliance by AJ Marks Part 34 Hades watched as the centurion walked into the command room to give him an update on the situation. “Speak centurion,” Hades said waiting. “Our patrol was destroy by Colonial vipers,” the centurion replied back to him. “Destroyed?” Hades asked, it sounded unlike the humans lately to do […]
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The uneasy Alliance – Part 33
The Uneasy Alliance by AJ Marks Part 33 Adama looked over the reports coming in from Earth, so far things seemed ahead of schedule. The station connecting the surface to space had been complete faster than anyone expected, even the machines. The mining operation on one of the moons in the system had begun. The […]
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The Uneasy Alliance – Part 32
The Uneasy Alliance by AJ Marks Part 32 Apollo flew though the thin atmosphere of the planet, called Mars by the humans on Earth. The planet would take some work, but initial scans indicated it could be terraformed to be tolerable for life. They could even set up some greenhouses to start growing in much […]
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