The Cimalian Princess: Invasion – Ch 12

The Cimalian Princess: Invasion

by AJ Marks

Chapter 12

Randy wandered onto the bridge of the Akagi. They’d been in hyperspace for almost an hour now and were more than halfway though the flight.

“Any word from the advanced scout,” Randy asked.

“Nothing yet from the Dragon,” Kim replied.

Randy nodded his head. Communications from HQ would be hard to maintain as the distance increased, but he’d be able to get information from the Dragon easier.

“We’re getting a call from HQ,” Hans said.

“Put it though,” Randy said wondering what now had happened.

“Randy, I’ll make this quick,” his dad said. “Seems that someone from the government saw Meia in the restaurant the other day.”

“And,” Randy wasn’t sure where this conversation would be relevant.

“Seems the government’s convinced that this proves a conspiracy is afoot by the military,” Jack replied.

“One blue haired woman mean’s the military is behind this, I thought the government people were smarter than that,” Randy replied.

“That was my thought, but there is something else, something that another source told me. Something is going on with the Constrict party, especially its leaders,” Jack said.

“Are they conspiring with the Cimalians,” Randy asked. His mind suddenly awash thinking of ways to change the plan.

“I don’t think so, but be aware of any strange messages sent out by your fleet,” Jack said.

“I will,” Randy replied. The screen went fuzzy for a second before the computers were able to restore it.

“I think we’re out of time for this connections, good luck,” Jack said.

The screen went blank leaving Randy wondering about what they would do next. He didn’t think the plan needed much revising but then again the only thing that had been settled on had been the target.

“Sir, Info from the Dragon,” Hans said.

“Put it though, Kim, Yvette come with me,” Randy said. He quickly walked of the bridge to the meeting room to plan out their attack.


Meia glanced at the clock one more time. The last announcement had been five minutes until contact with the enemy fleet. The ship would be going into battle with her on board. A scary thought knowing the capabilities of the Cimalian fleet. He briefly wondered which fleet they were attacking.

Her inner demons had worked away at her until she thought she might have gone mad for a second. But her memories slowly cleared a bit now. She still had them all but she’d sorted them out a bit more. She could now remember getting out late at night in the academy sneaking around listening to different conversations. Those conversations were now coming back to her. At the time none of them made sense to her.

“All hands prepare for battle,” the voice said over the intercom once more.

Meia felt quite helpless this time. Usually when she went into combat she was an active participant of the battle. Now she sat in her quarters hoping that the ship would survive. That meant to survive the Alliance would either have to win the battle, or retreat.

Sitting down on her bed she waited for what would happen next. Strangely an eerie quite came over her quarters. Perhaps everything still was a trick. If that seemed to be the case she’d use some tricks from her academy days.

Her quarters rocked a bit as the ship seemed to be hit by something. Meia could only guess what that had been. She quickly got up walked to the door then snuck out watching for people in the hallway. She didn’t see anyone in the hallway, but that probably had to do with the fact that they were in battle. Now she had to figure out where to go. Taking a direction she quietly walked down the hallway making sure that no one saw her.


John quickly turned feeling the g-forces push his body into the seat of the fighter. He grunted watching as the lasers flew past his fighter. The fighter pilot on his tail seemed to be well-trained, even very good. However the turn the enemy pilot couldn’t maintain.

“You won’t get me today,” John said. Gritting his teeth as he reversed the thrust of his fighter the enemy fighter now appeared right in front of him. the enemy pilot seemed to be taken off guard by the sudden turn of events giving John the second he needed to line up the fighter. Pressing the trigger his weapons opened fire. He looked away from the explosion of the enemy fighter as he looked around for another threat.

“Impressive sir,” his wing mate said.

“Yeah, just don’t do it too many times,” John replied letting a breath out calming himself.

“Squadron 116, new orders,” Kim’s voice said suddenly over the intercom. “Regroup and attack the largest target in sector eight.”

John quickly relayed the info to the rest of his squadron. He took a mental note of how many had been destroyed. Four, which meant his squadron, now consisted of twelve fighters.

“Listen up, concentrate on large weapon systems first,” John ordered. “Form up with a wing mate and follow me in.”

The squadron made its first bombing run on the enemy warship. He hoped the fighter’s weapons would be powerful enough to cause some damage.


Meia found the elevator after some exploration. The floor she currently walked around seemed to be only a quarters deck. She’d found nothing but doors to quarters. Knowing that to do anything else she’d have to get on board the elevator.

The door opened thankfully to an empty car. In the back of her mind she still wondered if everything was an elaborate trick. She’d have to find out now.

The doors closed brining a reflection of her off the door. She looked very similar to the last time. She still seemed to be that unknown woman staring back at her, the one who wanted revenge on the Alliance for killing her mother. Now however new memories had ‘resurfaced’ or been implanted. A brief second her image faltered replaced with her and her mother. Her mother never liked the Cimalian leadership, but never openly criticized it. She could remember small things that her mother said, that never made sense then but now, they made a bit more.

Had her teachers drugged her for a reason? If so why?

Making up her mind she pressed a button hoping it would lead her correctly.


Randy held on as the Akagi received another missile hit. The damage control parties were working hard but if this punishment continued he didn’t think the ship would hold together. He had to find a way to neutralize the missiles.

“Can we get a lock on these missiles soon,” Randy finally asked.

“Sorry admiral, the missiles appear to have some sort of stealth material on,” Yvette replied. She appeared to be working as hard as possible with the new weapons officer on the problem.

“Great,” Randy replied. There were two large enemy battle-cruisers. The Bismarck had turned helping out the London with a group of enemy cruisers. One destroyer had been lost but the enemy had lost one as well.

“116 is now in sector nine,” Kim said.

“Good,” Randy confirmed. Perhaps the fighters might be able to take out a few enemy missile launchers. The Enterprise had joined the Warspite in engaging the other enemy battle-cruiser leaving the Akagi one on one with the other enemy ship.

“The Warspite’s captain wants to know if he should help you out,” Hans voice said.

“Negative, we need that other battle-cruiser destroyed,” Randy replied. He watched as Hans relayed that information. “Well, it’s about time for the next wave of missiles. Can we go to manual?”

“It’d reduce effectiveness, but I don’t see why not,” Yvette replied. “It’ll take time though to take the automatic systems off line.”

“I don’t see where we have a choice, do it,” Randy replied.


Meia listened to the conversation on the bridge from behind the doorway. Several people had gone in and out but didn’t see her. Now as she stood outside she heard the genuine concern in the people’s voices. Randy had mentioned the missiles which Meia knew were the Xeno missiles.

Could she trust a group of people who appeared to more of a family than anyone living in the Cimalian Empire. She had made a few friends, like Randy and his mother. Mary had been truly impressive making Meia wonder what her mother would think about the invitation.

She knew then what her mother would want her to do. She stepped forward onto the bridge.


Randy watched the screen waiting for the launch of the next wave of missiles. The targeting systems were still undergoing the switch.

“Close the distance,” a voice said. Randy recognized it but turned anyways to see Meia standing there. He wondered how she’s managed to get up to the bridge unnoticed but he had other pressing concerns.

“What,” Yvette said before Randy could say anything. “If we close the distance then the lasers are more effective.”

“The main offensive weapon of the Yuliv battle-cruiser is the Xeno missiles,” Meia quietly replied. “Its problem is within fifteen clicks the missile doesn’t have time to arm.”

Randy thought about that logic. He had to know if Meia had told the truth. Sure there would still be the impact of the missile itself but the explosive wouldn’t arm. It might be a gamble worth it.

“Helm, close to within ten clicks,” Randy ordered.

“But…” Kim said.

“No buts, do it,” Randy ordered. He looked over at Meia hoping she’d told him the truth.


John watched a bit surprised when the Akagi suddenly turned closing the distance with the enemy battle-cruiser. He hoped nothing had happened on board the ship as it closed to ten clicks. At that distance it would be point blank for the plasma beams, which were only effective to eight clicks. He turned his attention back to the enemy weapon systems. He had lost a few more men in his squadron but he also knew that they had managed to destroy two of the enemy’s lasers.

“116, head to sector seven and reinforce the 200,” Yvette’s voice said giving them new orders.

“Understood,” John replied relaying the new order to his squad. The 200 had received heavy losses already. His noticed on the scanner as the next wave of missiles were launched. His scanner had a hard time tracking the missiles, not because of their speed but some sort of stealth material on it. He noticed only three launched indicating either one had run out of missiles or had been damaged.

Turning his fighter he headed towards sector seven with the rest of his squad. A large flash indicated a large ship blowing up. Looking around he noticed that one of the enemy cruisers had been destroyed.

Lining up another enemy fighter he pressed the trigger watching as another enemy fighter was destroyed at his hands. That kill gave him six for this engagement.

“Thanks,” a voice said.

“Just keep your head up next time,” John replied scanning nearby space for the next fighter. He also quickly checked to make sure no enemy had gotten behind him either. With no more time to think about the Akagi he fully joined the battle.


“Impact in three, two, one, now,” Kim’s voice said.

Randy felt the ship shudder a bit from the impact but nothing like what had happened earlier. That meant Meia had told them the truth. He glanced at her for an explanation.

“The Xeno missile is highly unstable when armed. For that reason the missile isn’t armed until after launch. There have been incidents of missiles detonating in the tubes before launch,” Meia explained. “The arming mechanism requires several seconds to arm during which the missile travels about fifteen clicks.”

“We have a slight advantage,” Tell the Warspite and Enterprise to close the distance as well,” Randy ordered before turning back to Meia one more. “Thank you.”

He noticed that she suddenly found the floor very interesting. He’d have to talk to her about that but he returned his concentration back on the battle at hand. The cruiser Fitch had reported heavy damage, but the enemy had lost one cruiser giving him an advantage now.

“Enemy battle-cruiser heavily damaged. Scans showing high energy levels,” Yvette said.

“Helm, back us away,” Randy said. At ten clicks the Akagi would probably be damaged by the explosion.

“Enemy reactor going critical,” Yvette said.

The enemy ship began to tear apart from the inside as the outer hull failed in multiple areas. A large explosion indicated the doomed ships last act.

“All hands, brace for impact,” Randy said. He hoped the shields were up to the task.


Meia glanced at the screen showing the enemy ship. As it exploded she only thought of another ship she’d helped destroy. She felt bad for the lower-class workers on board the ship. They didn’t deserve such a death but yet for the first time in a long time she felt free. It had been her decision to help the Alliance. Looking around the bridge she noticed several members of the crew looking at her. Some had suspicion in their eyes but others held gratitude. For now she ignored their stare watching to see how the battle would end.

“Sir, should we help out the Bismarck, or the Warspite and Enterprise?”

“Head over and help out the Warspite and Enterprise,” Randy replied. “All weapons to open fire the moment we’re within range.”

“Understood admiral.”

Meia glanced back up at the screen where laser fire could be seen. She also saw small explosions here and there where a fighter was destroyed. A larger explosion occurred as someone said the London had been destroyed. Several people were quite at that unwittingly giving Meia another clue in her decisions.

“Weapons firing!”

Meia noticed the weapon fire on the screen heading towards the Cimalian battle-cruiser. Then her thought went to which fleet this had been. After Pacifica she didn’t know where the 3rd CF would be headed. A brief thought went to Hecus, the head mechanic who treated her the best, almost like a father.

“Enemy battle-cruiser taking damage, Enterprise has taken heavy damage as well.”

“Enterprise, pull back, we’ll cover you,” Randy ordered.

“Engines damaged, reactor is going critical,” the reply came back.

“Abandon ship, do you hear me, abandon ship,” Randy yelled.

Meia waited as only static came back. Seconds later another larger explosion lit the bridge. Only the beeps from the monitors were heard across the bridge.

“Escape pods?” Randy asked.

“Ah, a few admiral,” the reply came.

Meia heard Randy give the order to pick up the survivors as the rest of the crew went back into action. For a brief point she wondered what the point was. All the destruction the Cimalians had brought to regain their glory and repay the Alliance back for what they’d done. But if what Randy had mentioned the Alliance didn’t even know about the Cimalian Empire. That thought brought up something else, if the Alliance wasn’t behind the rebel attacks, who was. A small part of her mind had the answer but for now her attention was brought back to the present.

Another large flash occurred bringing a small cheer this time. One of the enemy ships had been destroyed. She realized it had been the other battle-cruiser. Part of her wondered if either ship had been the Kitakim.

“Second enemy battle-cruiser destroyed.”

“Remaining ships,” Randy asked.

“Retreating admiral.”

“Prepare ground forces, have Commander Jorkins report to me at once,” Randy said.

Meia watched as Randy made his way over to where she stood.

“I want to say thanks again, a lot of people owe their lives to you,” Randy said.

She glanced at the big screen then back at Randy. “Not everyone on board those ships were your enemy.”

She walked off the bridge without saying anything further. So many deaths, all for the glory of a forgotten past.

End Chapter 12

Continued in Chapter 13

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