The Cimalian Princess: Invasion – Ch17

The Cimalian Princess: Invasion

by AJ Marks

Chapter 17

Meia allowed herself to be led away from the hangar. She still had a feeling of being alive after flying, the adrenaline rush it provided. The missiles had been a challenge to her unlike anything else. The targeting computer hadn’t locked on due to a coating of the missile and the substance of the warhead itself which created a slight field of interference around it making it hard for a computer to lock onto it.

She understood one of the questions that Randy would have would be how, the other why. She didn’t know if she fully understood why yet, only that the Cimalian Empire didn’t deserve to rule the universe. She was sure now they’d killed her mother and all of her anger towards the Alliance had been misplaced for so many years. She also wanted to know a bit more about this drug the doctor had found in her system.

“Are all Cimalian pilots trained the same,” John asked.

“No, just certain levels,” Meia said. She recognized that John had fought two green haired pilots based on the skill and training of the pilots.

“What level did I fight,” John asked.

“Probably two green, one level below me,” Meia said.

“And how many like you are there,” Randy asked.

“A half-dozen or so,” Meia replied.

They got off the elevator walked in silence towards Randy’s office. Randy opened the door allowing John and Meia in. She walked around the office looking at the knickknacks spread around the office. One caught her attention. It appeared to be a figurine of a person. She gently picked it up to look at it. The man appeared to be holding a sword but in modern warfare that made no sense.

“Ah, that’s Admiral Jelezine, of the Second pirate war. He was a bit eccentric with the sword, always had it with him,” Randy said. “Have a seat.”

Meia sat down waiting for the first question to come. She wondered which question he’d ask first.

“I guess the first question is how you managed to bypass security of the fighter,” Randy asked.

“When you reach the level I do you are taught some Alliance codes,” Meia said.

“In order to escape,” Randy asked.

“Yes,” Meia said.

“I know that you’re elite, probably very high, how many levels of pilots are there,” Randy asked.

“Six, all pilots start with black hair, then brown, blonde, red, green then last blue. Many never make it past brown, or blonde. When they found out I had fast reflexes during my testing they determined I’d be a fighter pilot. Everything in the Cimalian Empire is what they want, where they think you should go, should learn, should be taught. They never ask what you want,” Meia said. She’d understood that at a young age, but had accepted it because of the lie of her mother.

“After each process they alter your hair,” Randy said.

“Yes, in a ceremony you are promoted,” Meia said. “There’s little politics involved in such things. Only when you are given command of a starship does politics become involved.”

“I’ll admit, that sounds familiar,” Randy said. “Captains have to deal with politics even in the Alliance. But we can choose what we want to do.”

“That’s easy to do if you’re a high-class, but a lower class, it’s almost impossible to do.”


“There are six classes in Cimalian society,” Meia said. She fiddled with the figurine a bit before answering. “In order they are, Alpha Superior, Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma and Epsilon. An Epsilon has no chance to become anything. They are considered the lowest part of society and not worth the time educating. Many are used in the ground forces.”

“The group most likely to be killed,” Randy said. Meia nodded her head.

“A few make it out, but it’s never easy,” Meia said.

“All that makes sense, but why did you decide to help,” Randy finally asked.

Meia glanced down noticing the grey carpet in the office for a second before answering.

“It’s a combination things that are very personal to me,” Meia said. “And things that I’ve learned. That and on the bridge I overheard you disobey a superior,” she pointed at John. “If I’d tried that I’d have been punished, even if what I did won the battle.”

“Doesn’t sound nice,” John said. “I’d have probably been tried for treason already then.”

Meia saw the twin smiles on the two men as they shared a similar thought. There had to be a story there but it’d have to wait.

“Well, my main two questions have been answered,” Randy said. “I’ll let you get some rest then,” Randy said.

Meia stood up and allowed Randy to open the door for her to leave. Deciding to head to her quarters for a small nap she wondered where her future was going. It seemed to be her decision, yet the universe it seemed had already made up its mind about her.


Randy looked over at John as he closed the door to the office. They’d been given quite a bit of information about the Cimalian society. He was sure he didn’t like it too much.

“We’ll that sounds like a very controlling society,” John said.

“Does explain a bit though,” Randy said thinking about it for a while. “I’d learned some of that but not all of that. And I think we determined how good she really is.”

“Very good,” John said. “I think we can trust her. She’s earned my trust,” John said.

“Yeah,” Randy said not saying anything else. He was wondering where he’d turned from trying for her trust to her.

“Our losses?”

“A cruiser and a destroyer along with the men and women of those ships. I’m waiting on the report from the Warspite,” Randy said leaning back in his chair.

“It’d have been worse it Meia hadn’t shown up,” John said. “She took out at least six missiles by herself.”

“So you say,” Randy replied. “No, she doesn’t worry me, or her being part of the ship. No what worries me is our own government. I didn’t even try and talk with them before engaging, which disobeys a direct order from the President.”

“You know, they haven’t exactly tried talking either Randy,” John said.

“I know, and they still think the military is behind that,” Randy said suddenly smiling a bit. “But I have a feeling that will change soon.”

“Oh, why?”

“One name, Amy Barnes,” Randy said.

“Ah, yeah, she’ll tell it like it is,” John said.

“So, what do you think of Meia,” Randy said changing the subject again.

“Huh,” John replied confused. Randy watched John’s face as he thought about it for a second. “Well, she’s a great pilot, knowledgeable and seems to be on our side. She’s earned my trust so I’d have to say I like her so far.”

“Good, she’s about to join your squad then,” Randy said watching as John’s eyebrows rose to his hairline.

“Are you sure about that,” he asked.

“You just said you trusted her, she’s earned my trust and I think she needs a place to fit in, and to grow,” Randy said.

“People will question this wisdom, especially with other prisoners,” John said.

“That’s part of this, if they’ve been trained so much then we need to show them that things can be different, they have a choice. That also reminds me,” Randy quickly called up to the bridge getting Yvette on the line. “Tell Commander Jorkins to change security procedure at once. Keep it rotating and random to keep them from trying anything,” Randy said.

“Yes admiral,” Yvette replied. Her voice a bit confused but he knew she’d carry out the order. Randy turned back to John to wait for his answer again.

“I’ll take her, as we’re low on pilots,” John said. “We might have some explaining to do, and some hard feeling to smooth over.”

“Just say she’s special and on our side,” Randy said. “Or perhaps I should be there as well.”

“That might help,” John said glancing at the time. “Well, I’ve got a report to file. I’ll go see what our losses were then talk to Meia.”

“Good idea, if I tell her she might think something else,” Randy said.

“I know, that’s why I volunteered to do it,” John said heading to the door.

Randy watched his friend leave then wondered if he really was that transparent. He did have feeling for Meia, but he thought he’d kept it under control. Perhaps she hadn’t noticed yet.


Jack walked into the command center with the ever-present Chad right beside him. He wondered again when the young man got any sleep. He waited to hear what had happened while he’d been out.

“The President asked for you to call him admiral,” Chad said. “We also received another message from the Strike Fleet, the mission to Serria was a success.”

“Losses?” Jack asked.

“The cruiser Hannover, and the destroyer Squid were lost. The battle-cruiser Warspite took some damage but no battle-cruisers were lost,” Chad replied.

“Good news then,” Jack said. The fleet couldn’t afford to lose one battle-cruiser every fight. It’d be a short war if that happened. “Anything else from Serria?”

“The governor wants to talk to you as well,” Chad said.

“”Goodie, more politics,” Jack mumbled. He walked into his office sitting down knowing the conversation that would be coming. “Chad, go on ahead and get the President.”

He watched Chad leave and seconds later the President’s face appeared on the screen.

“Admiral White, it’s about time you got back,” Eric said.

“Mister President, we’ve been a bit busy lately,” Jack replied.

“I know, you’ve been busy ignoring my orders,” Eric said in a huff. “I told you not to take any more actions. You are jeopardizing the stability of the government.”

“The Cimalians attacked us first, or are you still on the theory that the military is behind this,” Jack asked. “And what of the Second Fleet destroyed? Was that a figment of my imagination?”

“You’re walking a fine line admiral,” Eric said. “You don’t understand the political pressure the government is under. I fear some of the groups might try to overthrow the government.”

“And which groups might that be,” a female voice said. “Let me guess, the Constrict groups, and I thought they didn’t want violence.”

Jack leaned back a bit as Amy Barnes pulled up a chair next to Jack. He wondered what the President would say about that.

“Well sir,” Amy demanded again not backing down.

“Young lady, I suggest you back down, and eavesdropping on official conversations without consent is illegal,” Eric said.

“Actually, she has my permission,” Jack piped in.

Eric’s face showed a bit of anger but the man managed to control it a bit before resuming his talk. “What would your father think if this became public?”

“He’d be grateful I was alive, I was on Vernada when the attack happened. You might be saying the military is behind this, but they aren’t,” Amy said. “Of course how could they, you’ve been too busy trying to dismantle the military.”

“I think you should consider backing down Miss Barnes, for your father’s career,” Eric said.

“Or else what, you’ll publish something about him,” Amy said. She waved a small data recorder in front of the screen. “Go ahead, and I’ll publish this conversation. Let’s see who the people trust more Mr. President. If you want a challenge then go on ahead, otherwise pull your small extremist mind out of your butt and get your ass behind this war on the Cimalians, because that’s what it is, a war and they’ve started it.”

Jack watched as Amy ended the conversation. He was a bit stunned that someone would say that. Looking over he noticed that Amy continued to fume over what she’d heard.

“Those no good, lying, two-faced, son of a Neanderthal,” she spat out.

“Well, that was different,” Jack mused.

“Admiral, the governor of Serria is on the line,” Chad said.

“Put him though,” Jack replied. He could hear Amy pacing and he wondered if she should be walking that much after the injuries she’d suffered not long ago. The screen came to live showing a middle-aged man with blonde hair.

“Governor, what can I do for you today,” Jack asked.

“I’m sending my thanks to you and the military for what you’ve done admiral,” the man said. “Has the government changed their position yet?”

“Funny you should mention that, I just got off the line with the President. He was scolding me for taking an offensive action, though I think its more the Constrict party putting pressure on this,” Jack said.

“Not the people of the constrict party, but their leadership. I was pressured by them early on until Serria was invaded. But I almost have a feeling they want us to lose this war,” the governor said.

“Then perhaps its time to start fighting back,” Amy’s voice said.

“Ah, Miss Barnes,” the governor said. “What do you propose?”

“I’m going to Corestar,” she said. “I think its time someone stood up to the Constrict leaders.”

“That could get dangerous,” Jack said.

“I know, but I think Senator Pappas was onto something, or found something. I’m a lot more vocal and someone coming after me would only raise more questions,” Amy said.

“Why does this sound like the government is ripping apart at the seams,” the governor said.

“I think its a few who are doing everything from what I’ve heard. Would I have your support,” Amy asked the governor.

“Of course,” he replied.

“Good, because its time to push back,” she said with a smile.

Jack was glad the woman appeared to be on his side. He didn’t think he wanted to tangle with her politically right now.


Jezic watched as the attack on New Zeus went according to plan. Losses were light as the large fleet that had been there had not been there when he arrived. He sent a report back to High Command about that and let the intelligence office handle that. Of course that mean the real reason for attacking this planet had become invalid.

“Admiral, incoming message from High Command,” Diern said.

“Put it though,” Jezic said.

“Admiral, there is anew development that requires your attention at once. The 1st CF was attacked and the Paintali was destroyed killing Admiral Ordex, you are being promoted to High Admiral. You are to join up with the remaining units of the 1st CF and destroy the fleet at Serria.”

“And New Zeus,” Jezic asked.

“It’s of no importance, destroy it.”

“High Command expect minimal losses admiral, don’t disappoint us.”

“By your will,” Jezic said. He turned to his crew after the communications went dead to relay the command.

“Admiral, the fleet is standing by,” Diern said.

“Good, all ships open fire, orbital bombardment, once that’s finished have Olin report to my office and head to Corrius to meet up with the other ships,” Jezic said. He turned and walked off the bridge. He would exact revenge against the Alliance of that he was certain.


Meia looked up at the ceiling of the darken quarters. Sleep seemed to be avoiding her at the moment. Every time she closed her eyes a vision of a man appeared, but she wasn’t sure where she’d seen the man. A part of her had the feeling she knew the man, but couldn’t place him. She didn’t think he was one of the ones who came to take her from her mother.

Closing her eyes she tried concentrating on where she might have met the man. He wasn’t a commander, or at least she hadn’t seen him around any command areas. Perhaps he was a friend of her mother’s? Her own gut reply to that question confused her, as one both yes, and no. He was both a friend and an enemy, how could that be?

She thought about other places, or events she might have meet the man. Various ceremonies over the years seemed to blur together in her mind. There was the graduating ceremony that happens for everyone, as well as for newly commissioned officers. There she had several rank ceremonies as she moved up the pilots rankings.

Her blue hair ceremony caused her to pause a bit. During that ceremony there had been a dozen or so Alpha Superior class citizens. None of them talked to her but their appearance at the ceremony caused her a moment’s pause.

One person, a male, caught her memory. He’d been in the shadows, out of her vision but he had the same body type of her dreams. She knew this man, or at least she thought she did.

Perhaps it was a conditioning of the drugs she’d been given, but that brought up another question, why had they drugged her. She had an idea as to why but no one to help her out to answer her questions.

Finally as exhaustion overtook her she fell asleep.

End Chapter 17

Continued in Chapter 18

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