Princess Elsa – Part 20

Princess Elsa

by AJ Marks

Part 20

Lynn made her way into her house and sat down after a long two days.  She had stayed at the palace for two nights, as yesterday had been quite hectic.  Now she was glad to return home and some normalization.  Guards for the area had been doubled for now, and many palace employees lived in the area stated they would keep an eye out for any intruders and paparazzi.

Taking out a beer she sat down and turned on the TV flipping through till she found a movie and not anything about her on the news.  Taking out her phone she flipped though several reading the ones from Brea first.  She was excited and wanted a selfie with her and Elsa.  She also mentioned that reporters had come around and began talking to them and sent one to all of them.

No embarrassing stories, or no selfie.

She flipped to Hans who stated her was merely annoyed with the reporters, kept him from his classes yesterday.  He also was wondering when she might return his texts.

Was busy, didn’t look at my phone until now.

With that sent off she looked at Jessica’s texts.  Normal, wanting a picture of the princess, or both of them as well.  She also mentioned how Marshmallow and Olaf had come by and informed them of what to expect being Lynn’s friends.

Lynn sent off a quick text to Kristoff and the other two thanking them for what they did before replying to Jessica.

So, is Brea seeing Marshmallow?

The first to reply was Hans.

Envy you, saw the Princess in that outfit, and had your arm around her, what a photo!

Lynn shook her head, it seemed to be the thing everyone was talking about.  And it was something which had everyone talking about how cute they looked together.

Didn’t plan that, just did it.

She switched as Kristoff replied no problem and something that Marshmallow was happy to help before Jessica replied.

Yes they are, not official but they spend a lot of time texting and he comes by often.

Lynn chuckled at that as Brea finally replied.

Spoilsport.  Reporters are annoying.

Lynn could only imagine before Brea sent another text.

College banned all reporters, they were disrupting classes.  Though, rumor was they spoke with Kris.

Lynn frowned wondering what her ex had to say about her knowing she would probably find out.  They could deal with it later on.

She’s a lying, two-timing bitch.  Besides, she’s already mentioned as cheater in how I met Elsa.

True, she had mentioned the reason she had gone on the trip by herself was her caught her then girlfriend cheating on her.  She really wasn’t too worried about her as Hans replied.

It looked planned, and Elsa’s outfit, the talk of the campus.

Lynn wondered how Elsa might feel about that.  She felt sure several websites were already having fun with the photos.  Before all this, Lynn might have looked it up as well, but this time, she had even more.  She sent off to the others she was going to bed as she finished off her beer and flipped off the TV as her phone buzzed again from Elsa

No problems getting back?

Nope, nice and quiet, about to head to bed, gotta go back to work tomorrow.

Sweet dreams.

You too.

She tossed the can into the recycler and headed to the bedroom wondering how work would go tomorrow.


Lynn exited the security vehicle which took her to work.  A security measure provided by the king for a little while until things settled down a bit.  Moving into the palace she was surprised to be hugged but quickly recognized who it was, Elsa.

“Is this how I’m to be greeted coming to work, I might not mind it anymore,” Lynn replied returning the hug, and giving her a quick kiss.

“Well, if we can’t take advantage of seeing each other in this situation why bother.”

“Good point.”

Lynn made her way down the hallway holding Elsa’s hand.  It felt nice to be able to do this openly as they continued on down, Elsa mentioning what she had up today.  Some meetings and listening in on a negotiation with the king and a representative with another empire.

“Gee, you make my day sound boring,” Lynn replied.  “All I’m doing is working on what the next exhibit will be with Lance.”

“We could switch?”

“Um, no, I think I’d probably create some sort of interspace war or something.”

At that Elsa laughed as they turned to the museum and headed to her office.  Lynn spotted a few co-workers who stopped and stared as they walked past.

“You know, I think that will take a while to get used to,” Lynn stated.


“People stopping to stare as we walk by.”

“Oh, I guess I don’t notice it, used to it happening,” Elsa replied as they walked into Lynn’s office, which her boss was waiting for her.

“Ah, boss,” Lynn said.

“Princess Elsa, Lynn,” he said.

“Ah, Mr. Peters isn’t it,” Elsa said

“Yes, as usual, your ability to recall names is like your father,” he said.  “I wanted to make sure my employee made it in okay.”

“No problem,” Lynn replied.

“Good,” Lance said, turning to Elsa.  “Princess, I appreciate it all, and I know young love can be, interesting, but perhaps drop her off before entering the museum.  The staff isn’t used to seeing you around as much.  They do have work to do.”

Lynn watched Elsa think about that.  “I guess I can, if only to keep the work environment happy,” she replied.

“At least he’s not banishing you,” Lynn replied, giving Elsa a bump with her hip.  “And the way you come over so often you’ll never miss me.”

“Yes, no more sneaking over,” he said to her.

“No,” Elsa said.  “But I’ll still visit.”

“Of course,” he said.

“I guess I should get to work, and you to whatever meeting you have,” Lynn said, giving Elsa a slight kiss as she walked back to the palace.

“Ready to start your new day, as the princess’ girlfriend?” Lance asked.

“Yeah,” Lynn said.

“Good, come on, we have a meeting to attend in thirty minutes, I’ll bring you up to speed.”

She followed Lance out of the room and to his office where the meeting would occur.


Lynn walked back through the staff area after the meeting seeing a familiar face, Nick, one of the younger workers.  She made her way to the fridge to take out a drink wondering when he might finally say something.

“Guess you think you’re so smart, eh?” he asked.

“About what?” Lynn asked.

“Read up all about you, miss niece to a gangster,” he replied.

“You mean the bastard,” Lynn answered back.

“And how about that police report, getting into a fight with your ex like that,” Nick stated. That statement caused Lynn to frown, she had no idea what he was talking about this time.  She never called the police on her ex.

“You still listening to rumors?” another worker asked Nick as he walked in.  “Told you to stop listening to that trash news station.”

“They at least give the truth,” Nick replied.

“Yeah, falsely, you know she wasn’t even there when that incident occurred.”

“It happened where she was staying, how could she have missed it,” Nick answered back.

“If those reporters had done any research they’d know she wasn’t even there, but with Princess Elsa at that time,” the older man replied.

“Are you talking about when my roommate, Mary, called the police on her ex-boyfriend and my ex who were getting into a fight?” Lynn asked, recalling a bit about it from a few others.  “After it was discovered my ex had been sleeping with my roommate for six months, cheating on both me and her boyfriend?”

“See, she does know, a bit tacky eh?” Nick said.

“I was on vacation, and having fun with the princesses,” Lynn replied back to him.

“If you say so, I’ll believe those reporters,” Nick said.

With that he walked out of the room in a huff.  It was obvious he thought she lied to him about it all as she and the other guy looked at each other.

“Don’t let him bother you, he’s not really know by everyone for his smarts,” the guy said to her.  “He gets something into his mind and won’t let it go no matter how wrong he is.  He got a story from your ex on one of the trash news sites and thinks its real no matter how much evidence you give him.”

“Great,” Lynn replied, realizing she had encountered her first rumor, and probably not her last.

“So, your uncle is really that gangster?” he asked.

“Unfortunately,” Lynn replied.  She recalled what he had said to her upon leaving her.  He was a bastard and though knowing the truth keeping the illusion would be best for them all and easy for her maintain.

“Wow, gangster, now a princess, can’t believe it,” he said to her.

“So,” Lynn stated, taking a sip of water, “what else have you heard?”

“Oh, nothing much, I tend to stay away from those sites,” he said.

Lynn felt her phone buzz and looked to see a text from Hans.

I see Kris is being her normal self.

I just heard.

“Friend, or the princess?” the question came.

“Friend from college,” Lynn replied.  “Mentioning the story.”

Got a few reporters asking about it, I could tell them you were not there. Funny when they ask how I know, I was there, you weren’t.

Lynn had to smile at that comment.  True, she recalled that Brea and Hans were both there, it was how she had learned about it.

“I doubt Nick would even believe someone who was there, because he’s my friend,” Lynn said.

“Probably not, he’s too stubborn for his own good,” he replied to her, starting to walk away.  “If he gives you too much grief, come see me and the boys, we’ll get him settled out straight.”

“I doubt he will, but thanks,” Lynn replied, heading back to her office, taking a moment to look outside the museum entrance.

Standing out there were several news vans, reporters and other such groups all talking about her or looking for something about her.  Her first encounter with the press yesterday had actually gone well, perhaps that was due to the fact the reporters there were not from the paparazzi either.

Outside were all groups and a lot of stations she didn’t recognize and didn’t know if they were local or intergalactic as her phone buzzed again.

I think Kris has lost it, officially.


Just walked by her, she had a very ugly scowl on, didn’t even try to talk to me about you.

Why would I, I have someone much better.

I think that’s what’s bothering her.  She can’t compete against Elsa.

Lynn had to giggle at that.  Her ex was a manipulating con artist who used her position of power on those around her.  If she couldn’t manipulate you she bullied you.  Another text message, this time from Elsa.

Hey, how’s your day going?

Not bad, hearing my first wrong rumor.

Oh, nothing bad?

Just something which happened between my ex and ex roommate.

Oh, that one, we’ve already issued a statement about it.

Lynn blinked at that.

That was fast.

We have to keep ahead of such rumors, have an entire team devoted to it.  I think they are having fun with this new excitement.

Then they are weird.

She could almost hear Elsa giggle at that.  It would take her time to get used to such things, having people stand up for her and keeping an eye out for such things.  They probably already knew about the police reports, or contacted them and got the information a lot faster than anyone else.

Kris wouldn’t be able to keep up with such things, and if it kept up her web of lies would come crumbling down around her.  For that, she really wished she could be there to see that, another part of her didn’t care anymore.

Of course, if she hadn’t caught them cheating on her she would have never gone on that vacation alone and her interaction with Elsa would have been very different.  Strangely it was because of Kris that they got together.  The thought caused her to smile as she moved on to her office to get back to work.

She might be the princess’s girlfriend, but she still had work to do.

End part 20

Continued in part 21

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