The Uneasy Alliance – Part 26

The Uneasy Alliance

by AJ Marks

Part 26

“Helm, set course to exit the atmosphere,” Apollo heard Tigh say and watched the officer put in the orders and execute.

Despite the artificial gravity he felt the difference as the ship pitched up heading up towards the clouds. The massive ship rocked slightly as it passed through the storms and everyone held their breath hoping it wouldn’t short anything out.

One computer burnt out, but the major systems remained operational and suddenly it was smooth again and he felt the gravity smooth out and realized the ship was passing into orbit. An interesting sensation as he looked down at the scanners to see if anything was out there.

“Scanners showing nothing,” Apollo said, relieved to not see a basestar waiting for them.

“That’s some good news,” Tigh said then getting on the internal communications. “I wish to thank everyone for their hard work in the battle which wasn’t expected.  All sector commander are to inform what positions are open and needed to complete the ship’s compliment.  Also any damage occurred during the battle and what needs to be finished.  Report it in as quickly as possible.  That is all.”

Apollo looked on as Tigh seemed to be handling the command rather well before sitting down in the command chair and bouncing slightly.

“Bit more comfortable than the Galactica’s,” he said before turning serious. “Contact the Galactica.”


Adama felt a bit different considering everything. He lost his second in command, Tigh and now was headed to the Council who had summoned him.  Walking in he quietly sat down waiting to hear what they wanted to say.

“Commander, do you think it’s wise to accept help from these machines?” Arie, one of the council member asked.

“Yes I do,” Adama replied with no hesitation. “If we do nothing then we’ve lost a valuable ally, and one which could turn the tide against the Cylons at long last.”

“Sounds like we’re taking a risk,” Uri said.

“There is risk in everything we do councilman,” Adama replied back to him. “Even to do nothing is a risk, and one we might be able to afford to take.”

He watched them all think about that when Athena walked into the room.

“Sorry to interrupt, but Colonel Tigh is on the communicator,” she said to him.

Adama thought about heading up to the bridge to take it, but knew they could use the room here on occasion. There hadn’t been a reason to use the room’s communications in a long time but today he could.

“Put it though in here,” Adama said watching as she seemed to blink in confusion then carried out the order. He watched as she went to work and in seconds Tigh’s face appeared on the screen, and seemed a bit shocked.

“Commander,” Tigh said.

“Tigh, what’s the situation?” Adama asked.

“Ah, well we encountered a basestar in the planet’s atmosphere,” Tigh said, not something Adama wanted to hear but waited to hear the rest. “The Enterprise was almost operational and with help from the machines beat the basestar back.  We’re currently in orbit around the planet.  The Enterprise suffered some damage but we can repair it.”

“Enterprise?” Adama asked.

“It’s the name of the new battlestar,” Tigh said.

“I see,” Adama said. “The fleet is on the way, we should arrive there in a few days.  I assume the tanker made down to the surface all right?”

“Yeah, it was bumpy, but we made it,” Tight said.

“And how operational is the Enterprise?” Adama asked.

“Working on getting her up to full strength,” Tigh said. “Still missing a few personal, but working with the machines on that.  They have people out and are working on getting them ready to work.”

“I see,” Adama said, realizing that things were going faster than he expected. All he had to do next was get things going.  He still had a lot of problem, like food.

“We’re going to explore around the system, work on getting a mining operation going as well,” Tigh said. “One of the moons had an indication tylium deposits.”

“Keep me informed, and keep an eye out for a planet we can start to grow food on,” Adama stated.

“All right,” Tigh said as the communications ended.

Adama sat back down and went over everything he had learned. Things had progressed quickly on the battlestar, faster than he had expected and it already had been in combat.  His people did better than expected for a small crew.  He would have to work on the next phase of increasing the defenses around the system.  They needed a secure area to begin the counter attack against the Cylons.  He also still had to confront Ilbis.


Hades watched as the centurion walked into the command room waiting orders.

“Speak centurion.”

“By your command,” the centurion said. “Long range scanners have indicated a battlestar has appeared from the planet.”

“A battlestar? The Galactica?” Hades asked, now unsure of what to do next.

“It is unknown,” the centurion replied. “If it is the Galactica our scanners never saw it approach.”

Hades did not like the fact a battlestar had managed to sneak past him. However he now knew if he could find the fleet it would be defenseless to any attack he did.

“And the human fleet?” Hades asked.

“Patrols have been sent out, they have yet to return,” the centurion said.

“Inform me the moment they have found something, and keep an eye on the battlestar. If it moves away or disappears I am to be notified immediately.” Hades said.

“By your command,” the centurion said turning and leaving the room.

Hades had a feeling he could smash the fleet then turn around and destroy the Galactica and whatever was left on the planet.


Morpheus looked on at the sight before him. He stood on the bridge of a warship, built for Earth to fight a new threat against humanity called the Cylons.  He never figured to be in such a position before, instead he felt he would spend his days back in Zion growing old and wishing the war between humanity and the machines would never break out again.

“System report?” Tigh ordered.

“All systems are reporting green,” someone else replied.

“Most impressive,” Morpheus said, looking out the window and spotting the sun coming into view. Something he usually only saw in the Matrix.

“We’re not fully operational yet,” Tigh said. “We need to send down a report to the machines on what personal we need.”

“I think I can volunteer for that mission,” Morpheus stated, wanting to feel useful.

“Good, and hopefully we can start shuttling them up as well,” Tigh said.

“I’ll need a ride down, don’t have the ability yet to fly your shuttles,” Morpheus said.

“I can give him a ride down,” Apollo said. “Starbuck and I can go back.”

“Head on down,” Tigh said motioning for them to head on down as they started off towards the hangar of the Enterprise.

Morpheus gave some thought to some other things. He knew one thing he had to do was head back to Zion once more and confront the council over what was going on.  Some were so stubborn it almost made him wonder if they had some ulterior motive in their mind.  Were they still fighting the war they claimed he was?

He focused on what Apollo and Starbuck were talking about.

“Going to take several trips to get everyone up here,” Starbuck was saying to Apollo.

“Yeah, but we’ll get it done, and Wilker has some plans for more fuel,” Apollo replied. Morpheus listened in knowing what he would have to do upon getting back, something he did not want to do.

“I assume you can handle that?” Morpheus asked.

“Yeah, why?” Starbuck asked. “You’re not going to help?”

“I need to go back to Zion, inform them of the reality,” Morpheus said.

“Yeah, they weren’t too welcoming,” Apollo stated. “Any idea why?”

“No, and that’s what I need to figure out,” Morpheus said wishing he had an answer to this question or what to say that might open the Council’s eyes to the danger which was in front of them.

“Maybe we should go along again,” Starbuck said, “give you back-up for your story.”

“Last time they were not welcoming,” Apollo said.

Morpheus gave it some thought but could not come up with a way. “I almost think the fewer people involved the better it would be,” Morpheus finally said.

“Are you sure?” Apollo said, as they reached the hangar.

“Yeah, maybe if there were more, but we can’t risk any further problems,” Morpheus said. “Our manpower is still small.”

“If you think so,” Starbuck said.

They entered the shuttle and he watched the two pilots go over the control with ease before taking off.

He looked out at space, such a different experience as they reached the atmosphere of Earth and headed through the electrical storms which bounced the shuttle around a bit but remained controllable before exiting on the planet and made their way to the machine city.

There was a large landing area now and the shuttle landed on the planet’s surface. He and the others existed to several people standing around waiting for them.  He spotted Niobe and made his way over.

“What’s this?’ he asked her.

“The first batch of crewmembers,” she replied to him.

“Tigh will be happy to see them,” Morpheus said, leading her away. “Have you heard from Zion?”


“That worries me,” Morpheus said, wondering what they might have planned even as DE and Doctor Wilker made their way over.

“I take it these are the first crewmembers?” Apollo stated.

“Yep,” Wilker replied.

“They are trained and ready to go, they also know what is going on,” DE said.

“Well, that should make things easier,” Starbuck said.

“We’ll take some up on the shuttle, any other trained pilots?” Apollo asked the group, watching a few raised their hands. “Good, you’re on the next shuttle up.  What about bridge crew, controllers, scanners?”

A few more raised their hands, one stepped forward, looking slightly older.

“I was a captain of a carrier,” he said.

“Old Earth warship which had planes,” Morpheus said.

“Okay, come on, Commander Tigh will probably want to talk to you,” Apollo stated.

Morpheus watched as people lined up to head on back up to the Enterprise.

“So, what’s up?” Niobe asked him.

“I’m going back to Zion,” Morpheus said to them, watching as they looked at him with some concern.

“Are you sure that’s wise?” Niobe asked, unsure if he should do this.

“Yeah, we need to figure out where they stand, now before things get even more intense,” Morpheus said. “And I’d like to figure out why they think they can wait to see who wins, then attack them.”

“So, the humans of Zion are still up to their old tricks,” DE said. “It’s not surprising to my calculations.  We calculated a small chance of any help from the people of Zion.”

“Not all of us think that way,” Morpheus said.

“Yes, I was unaware that those who actually fought us inside the Matrix would be so willing to help,” DE said to him. “An unexpected miscalculation on our part.”

Morpheus realized that the machines made mistakes as well, something he had learned during the war. They were not infallible, but they did everything based on percentages unlike humans.  Emotions swayed their responses and then the entire thing within the Matrix as well.  He learned that Agent Smith had rebelled against his creators, a bit like the machines had against the humans.

“Perhaps there is much we can both learn from each other,” Morpheus said.

“Yes, it seems so. We thought we knew you very well, it seems we are still learning,” DE replied back to him.

“Yeah, its that same part which you’re still learning which is causing the problems,” Morpheus said honestly.

“Are you taking anyone else?” Niobe asked.

“No, I can’t risk anyone else, it wouldn’t be wise,” Morpheus said.

“Stay safe,” she said to him.

“I will,” Morpheus said, giving her a hug and headed to a transport to head down and hopefully get some real answers for a change.

End part 26

Continued in part 27

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