Master of Violence – Part 10

Master of Violence

by AJ Marks

Part 10

Jeff made his way into the room having been called quickly.  He felt he should get used to such events considering the situation going on recently.  Inside the room was the familiar figures, the admiral, Isa and a new person, another two senators who were part of the defense council.

“What’s going on?” Jeff asked.

“We have some information from Sierra,” Richard said surprising Jeff.

“What information?” Isa asked.

“It appears that Captain Mark Pappas has a niece who lives on Sierra,” Richard stated.  “Approximately ninety minutes ago he received a text from her.”

“I was under the impression all communications was blocked from Sierra, how could he have gotten something?” one of the other senators, Greg asked.

“That’s what we thought as well, but all indications are it came from Sierra,” Richard said.

“What does it say?” Jeff asked, wondering what type of information they might receive.

“That, I’m afraid won’t be much use to us, only that she was telling her uncle she was safe, but in the forest,’ Richard said.  “We looked at the maps, there is a large forest to the east of the main town where she lives.”

Jeff looked on as a map appeared showing the town.  “We tracked the signal back to this tower,” Richard said as a dot appeared.  “It seemed there is a satellite still functioning in orbit, but why this signal came though when none of the others did is a mystery.  Our intel states that during the invasion the invades jammed communications.  Its possible they have dropped such jamming thinking everything was destroyed.”

“Any other towers working?” Jeff asked.

“We’re working on that right now,” Richard replied.

“This hasn’t done too much, but very interesting,” Isa said.  “It could mean this race is leaning to trying to integrate us into their empire.”

“Then why jam the communications?” Jeff asked challenging Isa on this one.

Jeff didn’t believe that such actions were a part of a race making an invitation into an empire.

“Perhaps they don’t know better, or expecting some violence,” Isa said.  “I expect we’ll learn more when we actually meet with them.”

“Then you expect to continue on the path of meeting with this group?” Jeff asked.

“But of course, we shouldn’t abandon such a path due to this small problem,” Isa said.  “It’s difficult for me to accept that a group like this would be so violent.”

Jeff didn’t reply and looked on at the others.  Richard looked concerned and Greg did as well, but the other senator didn’t.

“And if they are not peaceful?” Richard finally asked.  “What’s your escape plan?”

“I doubt I need one,” Isa finally replied.  “I have everything set up, and we’ll be going in the next couple of days.”

Jeff realized there wasn’t anything he could say to change Isa’s mind.  The man had made up his mind.

“Then you go to your death,” Greg said.

“Oh, I doubt that,” the other senator said.  Jeff realized he was a younger senator, a first term and one who he really didn’t know much about.

“You are willing to bet, not only your life, but the life of every crew member you take with you?” Greg said.  “That’s almost egotistical to me.”

Jeff noticed Isa’s miffed face as he turned in anger towards Greg.

“If there is a chance for peace, do we not try for it?” Isa asked.  “Why must we move ahead with violence and war when we know nothing about who they are.  It seems that the person who is egotistical is you.”

Jeff watched the two men for several seconds before standing and saying something he really didn’t feel.

“You’re both right,” he said to them turning to look at Isa.  “You do go and see, but ignoring the danger isn’t wise.”  Now he turned towards Greg.  “And we do go and see what the truth really is.”

They sat there for a few seconds and Jeff had a feeling neither of them really had changed their minds.

“The question is how can we ensure both contact and safety.  After all, if they turn out to not be hostile we’ll need the intelligence and for you to return safely,” Jeff said to them before looking at Richard.

“You’ll need a ship capable of a quick turnaround,” Richard said finally.  “That way you’ll have a chance to get out if they do turn hostile.”

Jeff heard Isa scoff slightly at the hostile part even as Richard continued.

“I also think there should only be enough crew members to man the critical areas needed, limit the number of people in danger,” Richard said giving it some thought.  “And instead of exiting the jump in the normal area, do so a bit further away to allow yourself time to assess the situation.  If you are right, and they are peaceful, then there will be nothing to worry about.”

Jeff looked over at Isa who seemed to be thinking it over.

“Very well, I see no other way, and you’ll push this with the President who will likely agree with you,” Isa finally said.

“Remember, we’re also trying to look out for your safety as well.  We want you to return safely back regardless of which of us is right,” Richard said.  “You’re safe return is essential to my own plans.  I need any information you can give, peaceful or not.”

“Well, I daresay that communications will probably be back up by the time I get there,” he said.

“I hope so,” Jeff said but had already mentally prepared for the worse.  He had a feeling Isa would encounter a race bent on conquest, not peaceful expansion.  He only hoped Isa recognized that before he killed everyone who volunteered for this mission.


Angie looked around bored.  They had been here now for a day and Jack was actually quite skilled at catching fish and despite her reservations about the guy, he was actually quite adept in doing things.

“So what did you do before all this?” Angie asked as he checked on the fishing line and looked over at her.

“School,” he said.  “Was taking summer classes.”

“Ugh, why?”

“Taking English One and Two,” he replied.

“Repeating it?” Angie asked before she could stop herself.

“No, took remedial English first, never was my subject,” he replied sitting down.  “I hate English, all the stupid stories, proper grammar and such.  Take this poem and tell me what you think.” He gave a small chuckle.  “What I see is almost never what anyone else sees.”

“I would have thought you would have liked that type of stuff,” Angie said.

“Nah, computer gaming, that’s what I like,” Jack replied.  “Its what I’m going for in my degree.”

“Oh,” Angie replied knowing she couldn’t mention what games were out at the moment.  Sure, her last boyfriend was into games, and talked about them but she really didn’t listen to what he said about it.  When he was more into a game then spending time together she decided it was time to move on.  “Well, not really sure I like games.”

“Never found one you liked?” he said.

“Last boyfriend spend more time with that game system than me,” Angie said.

The comment seemed to take Jack by surprise as he looked over at her.

“Then he’s an idiot,” Jack replied before quickly looking away.

Angie had a feeling he still liked her.  As things went silent again she pulled out her phone and looked at it hoping it would provide something.  Or somehow, magically, would be connected again.

“Ugh, battery is down to forty percent,” she said going to turn it off when she noticed something.  “Strange.”

She pulled up the texts and noticed that while her text to her mother had not gone though, the one to her uncle had.

“What is it?”

“The text I sent to my uncle, it went through,” she said and was joined quickly by Jack.

“May I see,” he asked.

Angie reluctantly handed her phone over as he quickly seemed to go though some things.

“You seem to know how to go through things on the phone.”

“Part of the programming, I designed a game while still in high school, the mobile market is hot,” he replied before looking up.  “The time it was sent correlates with when we were searching the ruins.  However, we don’t have a signal here.”

“What does that mean?  Can we communicate with Earth?” Angie asked.

“It’s possible,” Jack said obviously thinking about something.  “Turn off your phone that will preserve the battery.”

“Um, okay,” Angie said, turning off the phone.  She looked over to see that he had gone silent and ridged.  She rose only to have him hold up a hand and seemed to be listening closely.

“Hide,” he suddenly said taking her with him.

Angie scrambled towards the hideout Jack had told her about when they returned and it was brighter out.  She made her way in followed by Jack as they looked out into the forest.

She heard nothing and for a second had a feeling he was hearing things when she heard the crunch of a branch.  A few seconds later a lot more noise.  Whoever was approaching didn’t seem to be hiding their approach one bit.

Looking down the river bank she spotted several figures, about a half dozen of them.  In the daylight she noticed they had green skin, and that bony ridge Mohawk.  They were all dressed in blue uniforms, which did nothing to camouflage themselves in the forest.

The group seemed to move around a bit more, fanning out and looking around even as a couple of them made their way closer to where she and Jack were.  They got closer and she could now hear the grunts of their language, but didn’t understand any of it.

The way they looked around, it was like they were nervous about something.  They stood for several seconds looking around when one jumped up and down suddenly yelling bringing the others to where he was, and in general closer to where they were.  She felt Jack tense up a bit even as the others helped the other guy.

She watched as he stripped out of his pants and shoes to brush off something.

“Fire ants,” Jack whispered.

Angie smirked slightly but said nothing knowing how bad the ants were.

They watched as the one alien suddenly stiffened and fell down.  The others picked him up and started talking quickly as they went running off in a hurry.  After several minutes Angie began to get a bit uncomfortable being so close to Jack for so long feeling a bit relieved when he finally moved out of their hiding spot.

She made her way over to where the alien had been standing and sure enough, there was a mound of ants, but more interesting was the fact the aliens had left behind his, or hers, pants and weapon.

“Interesting,” Jack said inspecting it closely, but she also noticed he was handling it very cautiously.  She wouldn’t have touched it.

“Not like any human weapon, wonder what it fires,” Jack said, inspecting it a bit more.  “We might be able to use this for self-defense.”

“They seemed to leave in a hurry,” Angie said.

She watched as Jack seemed to be thinking about something.  “Who is your uncle?”

“Uncle Mark, oh, he’s in the military,” Angie replied feeling slightly embarrassed by that.  It wasn’t something she was proud of despite the fact she loved her uncle a lot.  He was always there for her, and listened to her rants about her mother.  However, when she said military Jack didn’t look back at her not with the typical disdain, but relief.

“How high up, can he get messages to intelligence?” Jack asked.

“He’s the captain of the Enterprise,” Angie finally said looking down not expecting the hug.

“That’s wonderful,” he said.  “Couldn’t have been any better unless he was the admiral, or a senator.”

Angie frowned wondering what the big deal was.

“Come on,” he said, leading her away.

End part 10

Continued in part 11

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