Buck Rogers – Part 13

Buck Rogers by AJ Marks Part 13 Buck reached into his pocket and took out the cell phone he had been given, and looked it over slightly disappointed seeing it was searching for a connection. Either the people who kidnapped him didn’t know he had it, or were able to jam it.  He was leaning […]
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Buck Rogers – Part 10

Buck Rogers by AJ Marks Part 10 Buck watched as Twiki settled in the passenger seat across from him as the transport took off towards his apartment building. “You actually think I’m innocent?” Buck asked, wondering if the logical mind of the robot actually thought that way, or was saying something to be sounding logical. […]
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Buck Rogers – Part 9

Buck Rogers by AJ Marks Part 9 Buck felt relieved at being back on Earth after his trip to the Draconian Empire. The trip opened his eyes a bit to current politics, and that the two empires were not really that friendly.  The few people he asked about the NAA he received answers that they […]
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Buck Rogers – Part 1

Buck Rogers by AJ Marks Part 1 The spaceship floated in space near orbit of Earth as Captain William ‘Buck’ Rogers went through the check list making sure everything was ready for the test flight. The first test of an experimental warp engine which, hopefully, would take him to the orbit of Mars in a […]
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